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Sarah B. Johnston 

I'm an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.  My research interests are in industrial organization and energy and environmental economics.  

My CV is here.


416 Taylor Hall

427 Lorch Street

Madison, WI 53706

Working Papers:

An Empirical Analysis of the Interconnection Queue with Yifei Liu and Chenyu Yang [NBER Working Paper]

Reject and Resubmit at Econometrica

Causes and Consequences of Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from McGirt vs. Oklahoma  with Dominic Parker

Dynamic Inputs, Misallocation, and Policy: Evidence for Electricity-Intensive Manufacturing

Market Structure and Technology Adoption in Renewable Energy with Gaurav Doshi

Publications and Accepted Papers:

Backup Power: Public Implications of Private Substitutes for Electric Grid Reliability with Paul Brehm and Ross Milton

Accepted at Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists


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Electric Vehicle Subsidies and Urban Air Pollution Disparities. with Irene Jacqz

Accepted at Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists


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Economic Potential of Wind and Solar in American Indian Communities with Dominic Parker, Bryan Leonard, Daniel Stewart, and Justin Winikoff.  Nature Energy (2024)

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Sweating the Energy Bill: Extreme Weather, Poor Households, and the Energy Spending Gap with Jacqueline Doremus and Irene Jacqz Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 112 (2022) 102609.

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Non-refundable Tax Credits versus Grants: The Impact of Subsidy Form on the Effectiveness of Subsidies for Renewable Energy.  Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 6 (2019): 433-460.


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